Equine Agritourism

girl with a horseRevised December 2022.


Agritourism is a fast growing segment of the tourism industry. More and more agritourism destinations are offering different varieties of experiences to meet the needs of all different customers. Equine agritourism is becoming a big part of agritourism experiences. Equine tourism is travel inspired by the horse, for recreation, leisure and business, encompassing all activity that has the horse as its focus. Equine agritourism can include:

  • Horse camps
  • Trail rides
  • Horseback riding lessons
  • Boarding facilities
  • Reproduction services
  • Dude ranches
  • Horse racing


First you need to decide what type of equine tourism you will be offering. Determine what will set you about from other businesses in your area. This could include a good location such as access and riding trails, landscape, or your own personal skills that set you apart such as training or riding skills. Based on that, brainstorm ideas about products and services you could offer. After this, define who your target market will be and how to contact them. You will be marketing to a niche clientele and you need to understand your audience and offer a satisfying customer experience.  Have a sales plan and advertise to your target market. Think of the 4 Ps when developing your marketing strategies. What is your product/service, price, place or location, and promotion?


Before you put your idea to life, create a business plan for your equine tourism operation. The business plan should include information on the business concept, market analysis, marketing and sales, staff and structure, financing, budget, risk analysis and more. Decide what you will need in order to make your business successful and stand out. This would include, time, finances, horses, tack and other equipment, employees, and physical infrastructures such as buildings and trails.


In order to successfully have an equine tourism business, one needs to have a broad range of knowledge in horses, guests, employees, equipment, tack, facilities and business issues. With any type of tourism, you will be working with the public and people from the community. Having great customer service and the ability to work with others will help your business grow. If you will be needing to hire staff decide who that will be and what type of person you are looking for.


Once you’ve decided what type of equine tourism you will be offering, pick a price point. Offering multiple packages at different price points is appealing to customers. For example, some may be traveling a good distance for an all-day or overnight trail ride or a customer could be local just looking for an afternoon trail ride. This is where you charge a different amount for different experiences.


According to New Mexico State University the annual cost of owning a horse can range from $1,350 to $3,000. The start up cost to have the proper tools and housing for a corse can exceed $6,500. This does not include the cost of the horse which can be a wide range as well. 

Having an equine tourism operation can have significant upfront costs such as the horses, general care for the horses such as feed, veterinarian, and farrier, buildings, equipment, and tack. Stay organized with your business income and expenses to keep things running smoothly. Hiring an accountant could save you time and money. Taxes and unexpected startup costs can be a challenge. 


Equine Demographics

American Horse Council

Boarding Horses

Equine Facts: Guide to First-Time Horse Ownership

Taking up the Equine Tourism Reins

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