Resilient Food Systems

The Food Systems team at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach partnered with local organizations in five place-based communities to study the impact of climactic events and COVID-19. The locations include counties, regions, and territories across the United States. The intent of this research is to understand the level of resilience each community has within their food system. Each report details findings related to community values, interest in local and regional foods and purchasing practices, impacts from COVID and climactic events, and identified priorities for increasing resilience.

Throughout the spring of 2023, each community will work toward a priority area, and the Iowa State team will evaluate the impact of the project.


Final Report: Bastrop County, Texas Food Systems Resilience 

       Bastrop County, Texas Research Brief

Final Report: Virgin Islands Food Systems Resilience

       Virgin Islands Research Brief

Final Report: Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Food Systems Resilience

       Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Research Brief

Final Report: Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas Food Systems Resilience

       Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas Research Brief

       Farmer Perspectives on Scaling up Production to Meeting Institutional Demand for Local Food in Washington and Benton Counties, Arkansas

Final Report: Marshall County, Iowa Food Systems Resilience

       Marshall County, Iowa Research Brief


Additional Resources:

Resilient Community Food Systems: Intersectional analysis across impacts, values, and organizational capacity Dr. Courtney Long, Ph.D.

The Local and Regional Food Systems Resilience Playbook A Primer for Food Systems Leaders on Local and Regional Food Systems Strengths and Vulnerabilities in Times of Disruption

Local and Regional Food Systems Response to COVID: Recovery and Resilience Local Food Incentive Programs Necessary and Highly Effective for Iowa Farm to School and Early Care

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services across the country to improve the delivery of services to citizens affected by disasters. EDEN's mission is to reduce the impact of disasters through research-based education.