Renewable Energy Report: January 2009 Newsletter

This is the sixth issue of a monthly newsletter focusing on renewable energy and U.S. agriculture. The newsletter is free of charge. The newsletter provides information and analysis from agricultural economists and others on current issues facing the emerging renewable energy industry. More information on renewable energy can be found...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 Robert Wisner Professor of Economics and Energy Economist AgMarketing Resources Center Iowa State University For the past two years, ethanol market analysts have been predicting the industry would hit a “blending wall” as production expanded beyond the capacity of the transportation, blending, wholesale...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 Don Hofstrand value-added agriculture specialist co-director AgMRC Iowa State University Extension 641-423-0844 Corn-ethanol producers have come under pressure in recent months due to declining ethanol prices and rising corn prices. Tight margins have led some production facilities to close down until the situation...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 Eugene Takle Professor of Atmospheric Science and Professor of Agricultural Meteorology 515-294-9871 Don Hofstrand value-added agriculture specialist co-director AgMRC Iowa State University Extension 641-423-0844 (Last in a Series) Our efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, urgent as they are, will...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 David Swenson Department of Economics, ISU The idea of farmer or community ownership of industry and other production and processing systems is not new. Over the decades there have been guilds, cooperatives, and other beneficial associations that allowed producers, processors, or merchants to...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 Cole Gustafson Professor, Biofuel Economics Co-Director, BioEnergy and Products Innovation Center Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics North Dakota State University While financial growth of the corn grain biofuel industry has been relatively straightforward to document and track, defining financial prospects for the...
AgMRC Renewable Energy Newsletter January 2009 Daniel O’Brien and Mike Woolverton Extension Agricultural Economists K-State Research and Extension Trends in production, imports and ending stocks are impacting the prices and subsequent profitability of the fuel ethanol in the United States. This article reviews the history of key fuel ethanol supply...